Simple Test of RSI as an Abnormal Returns Indicator
March 3, 2008 - Technical Trading
A reader asked: “Jason Kelly from the Kelly Newsletter posted this remark in January 2008: ‘A good way to judge trading opportunities on indexes is by watching their MACD and RSI scores. Both together, along with the price chart, give good indications as to whether the odds favor rising or falling from here.’ Is this true?” Here is a simple test of the 14-day Relative Strength Index (RSI), as calculated by the template at, on a tradable proxy for the S&P 500 index. Note that this indicator measures the strength of price for an asset relative to its own recent past, not relative to other assets. We use the conventional interpretation that values of RSI below 30 (above 70) indicate oversold (overbought) conditions ripe for reversion. Using daily dividend-adjusted closing prices for the S&P Depository Receipts Trust (SPY) from 1/29/93 (the earliest available) through 2/29/08, we find that: Keep Reading