Investment Factor Diversification
December 3, 2013 - Strategic Allocation
Is diversification across stock and bond factors superior to diversification across asset classes? In their August 2013 report entitled “Investing in Systematic Factor Premiums”, Kees Koedijk, Alfred Slager and Philip Stork measure the gross performances of widely used stock and bond factors and pit portfolios diversified across those factors against portfolios diversified across asset classes. For equities, they examine market, size, value, momentum and low-volatility factors. For bonds, they examine market, term spread, credit spread, high-yield, short-term credit yield and short-term government yield factors. They consider both U.S. and European data as available. They take an institutional perspective and therefore restrict consideration to simple, long-only portfolios. For asset class diversification, they consider stocks-bonds and stocks-bonds-commodities-real estate. They ignore all trading frictions involved in constructing factor portfolios and in rebalancing multi-asset and multi-factor portfolios. Using monthly prices for U.S. and European stocks, bonds, Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) indexes and a common global commodity index as available through mid-to-late 2012, they find that: Keep Reading