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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Do Mutual Funds That Practice Behavioral Finance Principles Outperform?

…investing based on the principles of behavioral finance is indistinguishable from value investing, producing similar raw excess returns.

Essential Ingredients for a Stock Market Boom

…stock market booms arise from the confluence of strong economic growth and low inflation. Excessive (?) monetary policy reaction to rising inflation kills the booms.

Does Technical Trading Work for Certain Kinds of Stocks?

…technical trading is more likely to be successful when applied to small-capitalization and illiquid stocks.

Stock Price Impacts of Management Changes

…past research indicates that there may be a good short-term price trade (but watch out for frontrunning) and a good longer-term volatility play for forced resignation of a CEO with replacement by an outsider.

Spam Spasms: This Stock Ready to Explode!

…investors/traders who take the advice of spam stock touts are likely to lose big and fast.

Buying and Selling Noise?

…small capitalization value investing works by systematically buying negative noise and selling positive noise.

Hedge Fund Success: Timing or Stock Picking?

…equity hedge funds generate alpha by stock picking, not market timing.

Hedge Funds Strongest Around the Turns of Odd Years?

…hedge funds in aggregate perform best around the turn of the year and during odd-numbered years. This seasonality is little different from that of the overall stock market.

Dynamics of Size and Value Investing

…as a corollary to mean reversion of firm profitability, asymmetries in small-big and value-growth stock migrations drive the size effect and the value premium.

Synthetic Hedge Funds?

…relatively simple clones based on exchange-traded instruments perform well enough to be considered as liquid, transparent, scalable and low-cost alternatives to hedge funds for many fund styles.