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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Reliable Intraday Trades on Federal Funds Rate Decisions?

…stocks react to the surprise element in scheduled Federal Funds Rate announcements. There may be reliable trades in short-term continuation (reversal) of stocks after an initial spike down (up), especially for financial and information technology stocks.

Recent Speculations on Prediction Markets

…many eminent economists and political scientists believe that prediction markets could offer significant benefits to society and that government should remove barriers to their productive use.

How Fund Managers React to Success and Failure

…recent success (failure) leads to risk-taking (risk-avoidance) among mutual fund managers.

A Tradable Accruals Anomaly

…firm accruals may be a good indicator of future stock returns when combined with a broader measure of firm financial health, or when defined as a fraction of earnings rather than assets.

Sector Rotation Based on Monetary Policy

…investors can significantly outperform the broad U.S. stock market by rotating into cyclical (noncyclical) sectors when the Federal Reserve discount rate begins falling (rising).

Misunderestimating Volatility?

…sloppiness in applying statistics can lead to severe misestimates of variability. People should rely on definitions, not intuitions, in assessing volatility.

Sources of Volatility’s Predictive Power for Stock Returns

…volatility-based portfolio strategies derive their effectiveness from: (1) the difference between realized volatility and implied volatility ; and, (2) the difference between call-implied volatility and put-implied volatility.

Asset Growth and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns

Does strong (weak) past growth in a company’s total assets predict high (low) future stock returns? Or, does investor overreaction to past data predict the opposite? In the July 2007 update of their paper entitled “Asset Growth and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns”, flagged by a reader, Michael Cooper, Huseyin Gulen and Michael Schill examine… Keep Reading

Invest Like the Ivy League?

…investing like the Ivy League means a contrarian emphasis on small growth factors with heavier than average use of hedge funds and private equity funds.

Measuring the Level and Persistence of Active Fund Management

…fund investors should focus on funds with high “Active Shares” (holdings very different from their benchmark indexes), low assets under management and high last-year returns.