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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Value Premium and Size Effect in Australia

…evidence indicates that the Australian stock market offers a strong value premium and a weak size effect.

Using Trailing Stop Losses to Reduce Risk

…over the long term, systematic use of stop losses in trading individual stocks does not enhance the level of returns, but certain trailing stop losses reduce trading risk (standard deviation of returns).

Combining Momentum and Roll Return Signals for Commodity Futures

…commodity futures trading strategies that combine momentum and roll return may offer strong performance largely uncorrelated with those of stocks and bonds.

Why the Story on Predictability Keeps Changing

…the ability of commonly used indicators to predict near-term (one-month) stock market returns appears during economic recessions (periods of high return volatility) but vanishes during economic expansions.

Do Stop Losses Work?

…systematic use of stop-loss orders may be beneficial, especially if one can project the general price trend and apply stop losses accordingly.

Technical Analysis Tested Globally

…after accounting for data snooping bias, technical analysis does not reliably offer value as a standalone market timing method in any of the 49 MSCI country equity markets.

Trading the QQQQ-IWM Relationship?

…several simple tests refute a belief that the past relative behavior of QQQQ and IWM reliably predicts reversion in their near-term future relative behavior.

Momentum Returns for Large Caps

…momentum trading strategies generally offer significantly positive alpha for large-capitalization U.S. stocks, but the strategies may not work during bear markets.

James Oberweis: Thinking Octagonally

We evaluate here the market commentary of James Oberweis via Zacks.com since July 2002. James Oberweis is one of Zacks’ “pros” and a principal at Oberweis Securities Inc., “a boutique investment firm…with a particular focus on aggressive investors.” The firm’s investment strategy, which they call the “‘Oberweis Octagon,’ uses eight criteria to combine the best… Keep Reading

Smirking Because They Know Something?

…investors/traders may be able to discover economically significant views of informed traders on individual stocks by examining the degree to which the associated option prices smirk.