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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Different Paths to the Same (Disconcerting) Destination?

Both EMH and BSH challenge at fundamental levels the continuity of relationships between/among financial variables…

Exchange Traded Funds vs. Index Mutual Funds

…ETFs offer easy and unique (even leveraged) access to a wide range of asset class/market/style/sector indexes. The 17% of ETFs that compete directly with index mutual funds perform similarly to, or perhaps slightly better than, those mutual funds.

Stock Returns for New Industries

…raw stock returns for firms in new U.S. industries tend on average to be positive and substantial, but very concentrated among a few companies. Risk-adjusted returns for new industries mostly match or underperform the broad U.S. stock market over their first 15-20 years.

Factor Fishing Expedition

…investors should probably use the excess market return (beta), size and liquidity factors in explaining and predicting individual stock returns, but not the book-to-market ratio (value factor) or other commonly used stock/firm-specific factors.

The January Barometer Retested

…evidence indicates that an up/down January is predictive of February-December outperformance/underperformance for the broad U.S. stock market (but not for most other equity markets). However, it may not support an effective market timing strategy as a standalone signal.

History and Meaning of VIX

…VIX is a roughly mean-reverting and asymmetrical measure of the price of stock portfolio insurance, and that price is empirically reasonable.

Long-term Market Timing Model Flyoff

Do long-term stock market timing models work? If so, which type works best? In their October 2005 paper entitled Timing is Everything: A Comparison and Evaluation of Market Timing Strategies, Chris Brooks, Apostolos Katsaris and Gita Persand investigate the profitability of several timing models over a very long sample of S&P 500 index returns. Specifically,… Keep Reading


A rare sighting…

The Fourth Quadrant: No Realm for the Normal

…”normal” statistical metrics and associated risk management methods do not work in the realm of Black Swans (including financial markets). Redundancy, not optimization, helps manage risk in this realm.

Darlings of the Dow Strategy

…the Darlings of the Dow strategy offered solid returns over the short post-publication period of 2002-2007, but the level of data mining bias in these returns is unknown and strategy adjustments have impaired out-of-sample testing.