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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Employment Growth and Stock Returns

…evidence indicates that employment growth relates negatively to future stock market behavior, most strongly at a one-year forecast horizon.

Have You Ever Investigated Accruals and valuedog.com?

…it may be that trading frictions materially degrade the outcomes presented for these two investing strategies. It would be difficult for most individual investors to establish economical positions (very large with respect to transaction fees) for so many stocks.

Mutual Fund Momentum Measure Fly-off

…evidence suggests that past six-month fund return is a stronger indicator of mutual fund momentum than either nearness of fund net asset value to its one-year high or a more abstract sensitivity of fund returns to stock return momentum.

A Rather Unsatisfying Morass of Variables

…investors should adopt a stance of considerable skepticism about stock-picking research.

How About Grading Broker Upgrades and Downgrades?

Independent collection and analysis of this data is not presently practical for CXOadvisory.com.

Jim Shepherd’s Track Record?

There is not enough information to tell whether the claims about investment results…represent a reasonable expectation for a subscriber.

Does the IBD Market Pulse Really Work?

Proprietary information is not subject to “fair use” for review as is publicly available but copyrighted information.

Enhancing Asset Class Momentum with Downside Risk Avoidance?

…evidence from simple tests does not support a belief that adding a downside risk factor materially enhances the performance of a momentum-driven tactical asset class allocation strategy.

Interplay of Beta with Momentum and Contrarian Investing

…evidence from mutual funds suggests that momentum (contrarian) investors/traders can enhance returns by focusing on stocks with high (low) beta.

Ever Looked at the EIA STEO?

CXOadvisory.com generally focuses on U.S. equities for this kind of analysis.