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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Refining the Accrual Anomalies

…evidence indicates that that discretionary (but not non-discretionary) aggregate accruals scaled to total assets significantly predict next-year equity market returns and that firm-level accruals scaled to earnings have substantially stronger and more consistent predictive power for future individual stock returns than accruals scaled to total assets.

Newsworthy Hedge Funds Underperform?

…evidence indicates that hedge fund investors should lean toward low-profile funds.

VT26 Volatility Breakout Strategy

…evidence from simple tests of available data indicates that VT26 may be a good strategy for fairly high-frequency trading in some futures markets, better for short trades than long trades, with effectiveness perhaps dependent on market volatility state.

Managing Investment Risk by Parsing Uncertainties

…identifying and addressing appropriately the range of uncertainties found in financial markets is essential to investing success.

Perspectives on Global Equity Diversification

…evidence from 1950-2008 indicates that global diversification, while providing little protection on average from local market crashes, offers considerable risk mitigation over the long run.

Moneyness and the Profitability of Shorting Equity Options

The following research suggests that going further out-of-the-money improves returns from selling equity calls and puts…

Amplifying Momentum Returns with Idiosyncratic Volatility

…evidence suggests that investors may be able to enhance exploitation of downside momentum by focusing on stocks with high idiosyncratic (non-beta) volatility.

Preliminary Test of RYT Model Daily Valuations

Since 7/9/09, Christophe Faugère has been publishing (almost) daily “Market Estimates” of the value of the S&P 500 Index based on Required Yield Theory (RYT). RYT views investors as: (1) requiring that U.S. stocks and bonds in aggregate prospectively provide a real after-tax yield directly related to real long-term GDP per capita growth; and then,… Keep Reading

Housing Price Reversion to Trend

…evidence from small samples indicates that housing price adjusted for inflation, disposable income and GDP reverts to trend (and that adjusted U.S. housing price is currently low).

Unfooled by Randomness?

…experimental evidence indicates that people, whether expert in finance or not, can quickly learn to distinguish financial markets time series from randomized data with high reliability via simple inference.