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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Individual Investor Performance by Motive and Method

…evidence from a limited test period suggests that conservative investing motives tend to outperform a speculative motive and that both news-augmented intuition and fundamental analysis tend to outperform technical analysis.

Past Performance Consistency and Future Returns

…evidence indicates that investors may be able to exploit consistency of past stock performance, independently of widely used momentum measures, via continuation over the intermediate term and reversal over the long term.

Price Impact of Turnover

…evidence indicates that investors may be able to exploit a systematic relationship between the price impact of trading as measured by the return-to-turnover ratio and future stock returns.

Reversion of Stock Markets to Value Over the Long Run

Can investors count on stock markets reverting to some valuation benchmark? In their March 2010 paper entitled “Mean Reversion in International Stock Markets: An Empirical Analysis of the 20th Century”, Laura Spierdijk, Jaap Bikker and Pieter van den Hoek analyze reversion of 17 developed country stock market indexes to a valuation benchmark based on a… Keep Reading

The Lure of Trading at the Open?

…evidence from a fairly large recent sample of U.S. stocks indicates that traders may be able to suppress trading friction by systematically executing sales at the open and buys later in the trading day.

Curt Hesler: Being Cautious

As suggested by a reader, we evaluate here the stock market commentary of Curt Hesler since January 2003. Curt Hesler has published Professional Timing Service since 1978, noting that: “One thing I have learned is that you must be cautious to be successful.” He makes past issues of his bi-monthly newsletter, usually including an outlook… Keep Reading

A Few Notes on Buying at the Point of Maximum Pessimism

…Scott Phillips’ Buying at the Point of Maximum Pessimism offers six long-term investing themes based on extrapolation of some major global sociopolitical and economic trends.

Investors Playing the Lottery Instead?

How much individual investing is lottery-like, just hoping for a big score with no analysis? In their June 2010 paper entitled “Natural Experiments on Individual Trading: Substitution Effect Between Stock and Lottery”, Xiaohui Gao and Tse-Chun Lin relate individual trading activity to national lottery jackpot size in Taiwan. Using twice-weekly lottery jackpots and contemporaneous Taiwan… Keep Reading

How About Investors FastTrack?

“I found Investors FastTrack via a search last night. Do you know anything about them?”

Trading Friction and Investor Behavior

…evidence indicates that sophisticated investors appear to recognize the importance of trading friction to net return and gauge holding periods accordingly.