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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Hindenburg Omens?

…evidence from simple tests of a publicly available set of “confirmed” Hindenburg Omens suggests the possibility of usefulness, but reservations regarding small sample size and potential sample bias are strong.

Indicators of Hedge Fund Performance Persistence

…evidence indicates that hedge fund investors should focus on funds with the best past performances and the most distinctive (uncorrelated) strategies.

Momentum and Moving Averages for Currencies

…findings suggest that momentum, whether based on past returns or moving averages, exists to some degree for currencies. The studies appear not to address combining past returns and moving averages to predict currency market returns.

Exploiting Predictability of Individual Hedge Funds

…evidence indicates that large (diversified) hedge fund investors may be able to exploit multiple predictive factors by averaging their predictive powers to enhance returns derived from selecting recent past winners.

Momentum Timing of Junk Bond Fund?

…evidence from simple tests suggest that junk bond mutual funds exhibit return momentum perhaps exploitable via a multi-asset class allocation strategy (but not a standalone timing strategy).

Market Models Summary Augmentation

Two charts added to “Market Models”, a backtest of the 6-month forecasts and a current valuation map, offer context for the projections from the Reversion-to-Value (RTV) Model and the Real Earnings Yield (REY) Model of the U.S. stock market.

Factor Universality?

…evidence from German stocks supports belief in the pervasiveness of a momentum effect and perhaps a value premium, but not market beta and size effects. Any sentiment effect is likely weak, specific to susceptible stocks and concentrated in intervals after very low sentiment.

Simple Counter Trend Trade for the Stock Market?

…evidence from simple tests does not support application of the counter trend trade to the broad U.S. stock market.

Momentum in U.S. Corporate Bond Returns

…evidence indicates that investors may be able to exploit momentum in U.S. corporate bond returns by focusing on past winners among low-grade issues.

Testing Engulfing Candlesticks

…given the fairly small size of any abnormalities, standard deviations of returns that are much larger than any abnormalities and the rareness of signals, it seems unlikely that a trader could materially exploit bullish and bearish engulfing candlesticks for the S&P 500 Index at the portfolio level.