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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Testing Bond Allocation Strategies

…evidence indicates that investors may be able to exploit interest rate trend changes derived from Federal Reserve policy pivots to boost net risk-adjusted returns from bond holdings.

Evaluation of ChartsEdge Weekly Forecasts

Reader Mike Korell of ChartsEdge suggested an evaluation of his own S&P 500 Index forecasts for inclusion in Gurus. These “stock market forecasts are based on cycle data which has been analyzed by a Pattern Recognition Program. This use of artificial intelligence reduces the effect of personal bias and allows the simultaneous cycle analysis of… Keep Reading

An Era of Unstable Risk Premiums?

…investors should assess and compare asset classes based on dynamic estimates of respective risk premiums (implied returns derived from current prices and estimated cash flows) to guide asset class allocation and market timing.

All the Equity Risk Premiums?

…estimates of the reward for risking equity investment vary with sample period, market and calculation method. Estimates tend to be higher when GDP is volatile and nominal interest rates are low.

Jim Rohrbach’s Technical Timing Approach

…evidence from straightforward tests on a fairly small sample does not support a belief that Jim Rohrbach’s timing approach (including service fees) beats simple benchmarks.

Outperformance Streaks and Mutual Fund Manager Skill

…evidence from analysis of market outperformance streaks among actively managed U.S. mutual funds indicates that fund manager skill is material to fund performance.

Hedging Crashes: Volatility Futures vs. Index Puts

…evidence indicates that 3-month rolling VIX futures contracts may be the preferred way for investors to hedge stock market positions against crashes.

CFA or MBA or School of Hard Knocks?

…evidence from an array of tests does not support beliefs that CFA designation, MBA degree and level of experience are critical success factors for investment managers.

How About The Gleason Report?

…while The Gleason Report’s Stock Value Model has performed well in real time (as claimed) since 1999, the performance sample is very small for reliable inference in terms of number of signals, and the most recent signals have poor outcomes.

Industrial Metals as Asymmetric Equity Return Predictors

…evidence indicates that investors may be able to exploit industrial metal prices as a leading indicator of stock market returns by recognizing that the relationship is positive (negative) for bad (good) economic conditions.