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Investing Research Articles

3591 Research Articles

Managed Futures as Portfolio Diversifier

Are managed futures programs good portfolio diversifiers? In his September 2012 paper entitled “Revisiting Kat’s Managed Futures and Hedge Funds: A Match Made in Heaven”, Thomas Rollinger updates prior research exploring the diversification effects of adding managed futures to traditional portfolios of stocks and bonds and to portfolios including stocks, bonds and hedge funds. His proxies… Keep Reading

Betting Against Mutual Fund Beta

Does a low-beta strategy work for mutual funds? In his September 2012 paper entitled “Capitalizing on the Greatest Anomaly in Finance with Mutual Funds”, David Nanigian examines portfolios of funds sorted on lagged beta to determine whether mutual fund investors can capitalize on outperformance of low-beta assets. He calculates rolling betas for each mutual fund based… Keep Reading

Daily, Overnight and Intraday VIX Tendencies

Does the S&P 500 options-implied volatility index (VIX) exhibit predictable daily, overnight and intraday tendencies? In their September 2012 paper entitled “What Makes the VIX Tick?”, Warren Bailey, Lin Zheng and Yinggang Zhou employ high-frequency data to investigate patterns in VIX behavior and measure relationships between VIX and various financial fundamentals, economic announcements and investor… Keep Reading

Distinctive Biotech Seasonality?

In an August 2004 article entitled “Time is Right for These 7 Biotechs” (apparently no longer available on MSN Money), Jim Jubak states: “…in most years, biotechs decline in the spring as investors anticipate a summer hiatus in the conferences where new clinical results are announced. They rally in the fall as the conference schedule… Keep Reading

Exploit VXX Deviation from Indicative Value?

The authors of the study summarized in “Exploit ETN Deviation from Indicative Value?” argue that deviations of prices for exchange-traded notes (ETN) from their indicative (immediate redemption) values may be useful as trading signals. How well does this mispricing concept work for the very liquid iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-term Futures ETN (VXX)? To check, we consider several… Keep Reading

Exploit ETN Deviation from Indicative Value?

Issuers of exchange-traded notes (ETN) publish daily indicative (immediate redemption) values for these debt instruments. Does deviation of the market price of an ETN from its indicative value represent an exploitable mispricing? In their September 2012 paper entitled “Mispricing and Trading Profits in ETNs”, Dean Diavatopoulos, Helyette Geman, Lovjit Thukral and Colby Wright investigate the gross… Keep Reading

Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices Reliably Intertwined?

In mid-2008, a reader speculated and asked: “You have probably heard of the historical 6:1 crude oil/natural gas price ratio. This relationship is said to be mean reverting based on the thermal equivalence of the two commodities. Does this ratio have any predictive power for the future prices of oil or natural gas? If there… Keep Reading

Exploiting Insider Trading Sequences

Are there certain kinds of insider trades that are more exploitable than others? In their August 2012 paper entitled “Insider Trading Patterns”, David Cicero and Babajide Wintoki define and examine two kinds of insider trading: (1) isolated trades (no trades in prior or subsequent months; and, (2) sequenced trades (occurring in successive months). They hypothesize that… Keep Reading

How Advisors Help Individual Investors?

Are investment advisors worth the price? In the August 2012 version of their paper entitled “The Impact of Financial Advisors on the Stock Portfolios of Retail Investors”, Marc Kramer and Robert Lensink investigate the impact of financial advisors on individual investor portfolio returns, risk, trading frequency and diversification. For sampled investors, the sponsoring bank standardizes strategic asset allocation… Keep Reading

Learning by Individual Investors

Does experience improve individual investing performance? In the August 2012 version of their paper entitled “Do Individual Investors Learn from Their Mistakes?”, Maximilian Koestner, Steffen Meyer and Andreas Hackethal examine whether investors learn to avoid portfolio underdiversification, overconfidence (overtrading) and the disposition effect (selling winners and holding losers). They consider three measures of investor experience: cumulative… Keep Reading