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Investing Research Articles

3591 Research Articles

Are Short Sellers Smarter Than the Average Bear?

…investors should avoid stocks with high short interest ratios.

Implicit Coordination of Individual Investors?

…individual investors systematically show attention-driven herd-like behaviors.

The Lure of Trading?

…a high level of trading activity usually underperforms.

Does Investor Sentiment Give Trading Signals?

…just because there is a crowd of traders does not mean there is wisdom.

Randomly Walking in Circles?

…Burton Malkiel continues to believe that the stock market is inexploitably efficient.

Do Day Traders Make Money?

Could we make a bundle day trading? In their May 2004 paper entitled “Do Individual Day Traders Make Money? Evidence from Taiwan”, Brad Barber, Yi-Tsung Lee, Yu-Jane Liu and Terrance Odean assess the success of day traders in the Taiwan stock market. Using detailed individual trading records, they find that:

Does Consumer Confidence Predict Stock Market Returns?

…consumer confidence is not a worthwhile indicator for stock market investors and traders.

Classic Paper: Piotroski’s Efficient Value Investing

…careful screening of value stocks using accounting fundamentals may be able to enhance returns significantly.

Fed Model: Predictive or Not?

…the Fed Model is inferior to fundamental valuation in predicting long-term stock returns, but it may have some tactical value.

Is Irrational Exuberance Over Yet?

…mean reversions of fundamental ratios are key predictors of future stock market returns.