Damodaran Online: Some Serious Education
July 29, 2005 - Big Ideas
…a very good introduction to a range of investment styles for new (but diligent) investors and a refresher for experienced ones.
July 29, 2005 - Big Ideas
…a very good introduction to a range of investment styles for new (but diligent) investors and a refresher for experienced ones.
July 28, 2005 - Momentum Investing
…momentum investing works, driven partly by reward for the risk of the unusual but transitory sensitivity of high-momentum stocks to overall economic growth.
July 26, 2005 - Investing Expertise
…stock analysts exhibit predictable underreactions in revising earnings forecasts. The degree of underreaction increases with the earnings forecast dispersion.
July 19, 2005 - Momentum Investing
…momentum investing works, and abnormalities in the distribution of returns for momentum-driven portfolios may partly explain why.
July 12, 2005 - Investing Expertise
…research results indicate that Regulation FD has leveled the playing field for all investors, and reduced the accuracy of sell-side analyst earnings forecasts.
July 8, 2005 - Animal Spirits
…company-specific news tends to decouple stock price behavior from the market, while the absence of news promotes co-movement.
June 27, 2005 - Animal Spirits, Individual Investing
…stock pickers tend to be optimists who should focus on objectivity in assessing the outcomes of their stock picking.
June 24, 2005 - Mutual/Hedge Funds
…the active management component of broadly diversified (closet index) mutual funds is generally expensive and ineffective. In comparison, hedge funds with 100% active management are not that pricey.
June 21, 2005 - Animal Spirits, Individual Investing
…individual investors tend to limit buying consideration, detrimentally, to those stocks that grab their attention via unusual trading or other news.
June 14, 2005 - Economic Indicators
…good (bad) macroeconomic news is bad (good) for broad stock indices during expansions and good (bad) during recessions.