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Investing Research Articles

3576 Research Articles

Review of IntelligentValue’s Retracement-Value Portfolio

…the extraordinary performance claimed by IntelligentValue for the Retracement-Value portfolio is likely due to a combination of early good luck and a favorable assumption about trade prices. Investors/traders considering such active trading services should carefully evaluate their trading costs/frictions.

Still Irrationally Exuberant?

…changing public beliefs in how the economy works (and thereby valuation models) substantially affect long-term interest rates and asset prices. Current beliefs, focused on nominal rather than real interest rates, foster irrational overpricing of assets.

Review of Mark Leibovit’s VRTrader.com “Track Record”

…traders employing frequent trading strategies such as that offered by VRTrader.com must achieve low trading friction and be prepared for frequent losses and high return volatility among individual trades. Specifically for VRTrader.com, they may also want to ignore short trade recommendations.

Reliable Outperformance Among Bond Fund Managers?

…past performance is significantly indicative of future performance among bond mutual funds.

Do Hedge Fund Investors Chase or Successfully Time Returns?

…presumably sophisticated hedge fund investors as a group chase past returns and fail to time their investments successfully.

Befriend the Trend Trading’s Trend Trades

…the apparent outperformance of the The Trend Trade Letter may disappear after correcting for trading frictions, market conditions and data errors.

The Prospective “Academic” Equity Risk Premium

…U.S. finance professors on average, as of the end of 2007, expect stocks to offer a 5% annual (geometric) risk premium over the next 30 years, a little below their expectation in 2001.

Do Hedge Funds Play the “Famous” Anomalies?

…hedge funds in aggregate exploit a few of the “famous” anomalies, but they apparently have other methods of generating abnormal returns.

Fama and French Dissect Anomalies

…some anomalies are stronger and more consistent than others. Momentum appears to be the strongest and most consistent.

Gaming the Earnings/Accruals Gamers?

…investors may be able to generate substantial abnormal returns by combining the effects of earnings and accruals surprises, qualified by overall firm operating performance.