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Investing Research Articles

3574 Research Articles

Analyst Ratings: Levels or Changes?

…investors may find edges by considering both the levels of and changes in analyst stock ratings, with the combination more powerful than the separate indications.

Mirror Image Seasonality for Stocks and Treasuries?

…monthly returns for mid-term to long-term Treasuries exhibit a seasonality that is roughly the mirror image of that for stock returns, with November standing out as an exception (strong for stocks and Treasuries).

Modernizing Equity Return Benchmarks

…expect more dynamic strategies [such as 130% long/30% short] to become passive benchmarks as the investor base becomes more sophisticated and demanding.

The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (Chapter-by-Chapter Review)

…this book is a generally accessible challenge to the widespread use of Gaussian statistics as tools of prediction in socioeconomics (encompassing investing). With strong emphasis on intractable uncertainty, it is necessarily parsimonious and vague regarding advice to investors.

Mutual Fund Investors Underperform Their Underperforming Funds?

…mutual fund timers on average underperform passive buy-and-hold mutual fund investors. Investors who use fund-compensated investment advisors exhibit particularly bad timing.

Does a Long-Term Moving Average Indicator Predict Big Days?

…an investor who enters (exits) the market when the S&P 500 index crosses above (below) its 200-day moving average may miss most of the extremely high volatility days but will probably not enhance cumulative return by missing them.

Stock Picking or Industry Picking?

…actively managed mutual funds on average generate about half their value by picking the right industries rather than the right stocks. This big-picture skill, not company analysis, accounts for fund performance persistence.

The Belief Component of Risk Premiums

…perceptions move markets. Market beliefs, which may express mistaken forecasts, are at least as important to asset pricing as macroeconomic fundamentals.

Do Funds Focused on Just a Few Stocks Outperform?

…mutual funds with relatively few holdings tend to underperform, refuting the view that focus on a few ideas supports good stock picking.

Does the Fiscal Deficit Really Affect Asset Valuations?

How do investors respond to the state of the U.S. federal fiscal deficit? In their August 2007 paper entitled “Fiscal Policy and Asset Markets: A Semiparametric Analysis”, Dennis Jansen, Qi Li, Zijun Wang and Jian Yang examine the relationships between U.S. fiscal policy and U.S. asset markets (stocks and bonds). Using monthly data for the… Keep Reading