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Investing Research Articles

3574 Research Articles

Performance of the Value Line Select ETF Index

…while the backtested performance of the Value Line Select ETF Index versus the broad U.S. equity market is promising, the index underperforms during a relatively short out-of-sample test.

Due Diligence on Hedge Funds

…evidence from hedge fund due diligence reports indicates a substantial level of misrepresentation by fund managers and confirms return chasing by investors. Key indicators of fund manager truthfulness are uses of external asset pricing and a major auditing firm.

How About Evaluating VectorVest?

…there is not enough information on VectorVest’s public web site to do any detailed evaluation.

Global Stock Market Contagion

…Asian stock markets do to some degree follow the U.S. market, including its sharp drops. However, U.S. market plunges are rare and clustered, the Asian market responses to these plunges are noisy, and overnight/weekend gaps on Asian markets substantially absorb plunge contagion.

Predictive Power of Aggregate Versus Firm-specific Earnings

…evidence indicates that aggregate earnings alone are not a useful predictor of overall stock market behavior, but firm-level (highly segmented industry) earnings are useful for predicting returns of individual stocks (highly segmented industries).

Mark Skousen’s Claims So “Wild” They Might Be True?

There is not enough information publicly available on the web to test his claims.

What About Dan Murphy?

There is not enough information on the Financial Picks web site to evaluate the claims of accuracy or returns there.

Are Some Covered Calls More Profitable Than Others?

…evidence suggests that covered call writers who can achieve relatively low trading frictions can maximize returns by focusing on small, high-volatility, illiquid past winners. For small players, achieving low trading frictions is problematic.

Reclama from Alan Newman

Alan M. Newman, Editor of Alan M. Newman’s Stock Market Crosscurrents, wrote on 8/3/09:

Overreaction Persistence: Sources and Consequences

…evidence from experimental tests indicates that investor/trader overreaction probably is pervasive, partly driven by overconfidence and not subject to moderation through learning. Overreaction tends to elevate portfolio volatility and reduce portfolio Sharpe ratio.