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3596 Research Articles

Value-Momentum Switching Based on Value Premium Persistence

Can investors exploit monthly persistence in the value premium for U.S. stocks? In his February 2014 paper entitled “Exploiting Factor Autocorrelation to Improve Risk Adjusted Returns”, Kevin Oversby investigates whether investors can exploit the fact that the Fama-French model high-minus-low (HML) value factor exhibits positive monthly autocorrelation (persistence). The HML factor derives from the difference in performance between portfolios of… Keep Reading

Ultimate Stock-Pickers vs. Luck

Are Morningstar’s Ultimate Stock-Pickers good stock pickers? In his June 2014 paper entitled “Using Random Portfolios to Evaluate the Performance of the Ultimate Stock-Pickers Index”, Stefaan Pauwels compares the quarterly volatility-adjusted performances of the Morningstar Ultimate Stock-Pickers (USP) top buys, top holdings and top sells to those of many randomly generated (zero-skill) portfolios. Morningstar specifies USP members as fund… Keep Reading

Exploitation of Technical Analysis by Hedge Funds?

Do hedge fund managers who use technical analysis beat those who do not? In their May 2014 paper entitled “Sentiment and the Effectiveness of Technical Analysis: Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry”, David Smith, Na Wang, Ying Wang and Edward Zychowicz examine the relative performance of users and non-users of technical analysis among hedge fund managers in different sentiment environments. They hypothesize that… Keep Reading

Accuracy of Robert Taylor’s Xyber9 Trend Forecasts

…Robert Taylor’s accuracy rate probably derives not from forecasting ability but from defining targets that are very hard to miss. The accuracy rate seems high only if one ignores the peculiar way he defines trends.

High Growth in Operating Costs Bad for Stocks?

Does growth in a firm’s operating costs signal trouble for its stock? In their June 2014 preliminary paper entitled “Cost Growth and Stock Returns”, Dashan Huang, Fuwei Jiang, Jun Tu and Guofu Zhou examine the relationship between growth in operating costs and future stock returns. They measure operating cost growth as the annual percentage change in costs of goods… Keep Reading

Stock Returns During and Between Earnings Seasons

Does intensity of firm quarterly earnings releases affect stock market behaviors? A reader proposed the following stock market timing strategy based on a strictly calendar-based definition of earnings season: go short (long) the market at the close at the end of the first full week (sixth full week) of each calendar quarter, representing the beginning… Keep Reading

Testing Size, Value and Momentum Return Predictors

Do commonly used indicators reliably predict stock size, value and momentum strategy returns? In the June 2014 version of his paper entitled “A Comprehensive Look at Size, Value and Momentum Return Predictability”, Afonso Januario examines the abilities of 17 fundamental and technical indicators and indicator combinations to anticipate returns for these three factors. He defines factor portfolios… Keep Reading

Buffered Winner Asset Class ETF Momentum Strategy

“Sticky Winner Asset Class ETF Momentum Strategy” tests whether limiting the trading of the “Simple Asset Class ETF Momentum Strategy” by holding onto the winner until it drops out of the top three boosts performance of the latter by reducing trading and thereby suppressing trading frictions. A subscriber proposed a more precise approach to limit trading: continue holding a past winner… Keep Reading

Momentum-boosted Practical Approach to MPT

Is there a practical way to apply momentum investing in a Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) framework? In his June 2014 paper entitled “Momentum, Markowitz, and Smart Beta”, Wouter Keller constructs a long-only, unleveraged Modern Asset Allocation (MAA) model in three steps Make MPT tactical by using short historical intervals to predict future asset returns (rate of return, or absolute momentum), return volatilities… Keep Reading

Alternative Mutual Fund Performance

Are alternative mutual funds attractive for retail investors as hedge fund surrogates? In their June 2014 paper entitled “Performance of Alternative Mutual Funds: The Average Investors Hedge Fund”, Srinidhi Kanuri and Robert McLeod analyze the performance of alternative mutual funds that employ strategies similar to those of hedge funds and seek returns uncorrelated with the equity market. These funds can… Keep Reading