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Investing Research Articles

3596 Research Articles

Skewness-enhanced Stock Momentum

Can investors amplify stock return momentum by screening past winners and losers based on return skewness? In their April 2015 paper entitled “Expected Skewness and Momentum”, Heiko Jacobs, Tobias Regele and Martin Webee explore the interaction of expected stock return skewness and momentum. They measure expected skewness as maximum daily return over the preceding month, which predicts future skewness… Keep Reading

Measuring Extreme Loss Risk

What is the best approach for measuring extreme loss risk? In their April 2015 paper entitled “Why Risk Is So Hard to Measure”, Jon Danielsson and Chen Zhou analyze the robustness of standard extreme loss risk analysis methods. They focus on: The difference in the reliabilities of forecasts based on Value-at-Risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES).  The… Keep Reading

Summarizing Value (and Momentum) Investing

When does value investing work and how does it work best? In the April 2015 initial draft of their paper entitled “Fact, Fiction, and Value Investing”, Clifford Asness, Andrea Frazzini, Ronen Israel and Tobias Moskowitz address areas of confusion about value investing. They describe value as the tendency of cheap securities to outperform expensive ones based on some valuation method. They broadly specify the value premium… Keep Reading

Can Investors Outsmart Smart Beta ETFs?

Do smart beta exchange-traded funds (ETF), which systematically tilt holdings to capture one or more factor premiums (such as size, value, momentum, quality, beta and volatility), offer net value to investors? In the April 2015 initial draft of his paper entitled “How Smart are ‘Smart Beta’ ETFs? Analysis of Relative Performance and Factor Timing”, Denys Glushkov assesses whether… Keep Reading

Simple Asset Class ETF Momentum Strategy Robustness/Sensitivity Tests

How sensitive is the performance of the “Simple Asset Class ETF Momentum Strategy” to selecting ranks other than winners and to choosing a momentum ranking interval other than five months? This strategy each month ranks the following eight asset class exchange-traded funds (ETF), plus cash, on past return and rotates to the strongest class: PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking (DBC)… Keep Reading

Momentum Strategy Winners Adjustment

The order of the first and second place winners is now reversed from that shown at the close yesterday because of a price change on Yahoo!Finance after 4:00PM.

Tactical U.S. Stock Market Allocations Based on Valuation Ratios

Do simple stock market valuation ratios work for tactical allocation? In his April 2015 paper entitled “Multiples, Forecasting, and Asset Allocation”, Javier Estrada investigates whether investors can outperform a 60-40 stocks-bonds benchmark portfolio via tactical strategies based on one of three simple stock market valuation ratios: (1) dividend-price ratio (D/P); (2) price-earnings ratio (P/E); or, (3) cyclically adjusted… Keep Reading

Betting Against High Downside Risk?

Do low-volatility strategies work for all stocks? In their April 2015 paper entitled “Low Risk Anomalies?”, Paul Schneider, Christian Wagner and Josef Zechner examine relationships between low-beta/low-volatility stock anomalies and implied stock return skewness. They compute ex-ante (implied) skewness for each stock via a portfolio of associated options that is long (short) out-of-the-money calls (puts). The more investors are… Keep Reading

Path Dependence of Satisfying Returns

What makes investors happy with investment returns? In the April 2015 version of their paper entitled “All’s Well That Ends Well? On the Importance of How Returns Are Achieved”, Daniel Grosshans and Stefan Zeisberger employ a series of surveys to investigate how investor satisfaction depends on investment price path. Their main survey asks participants to imagine that they bought three winner stocks (10%… Keep Reading

“What Works Best?” Update

We’ve updated “What Works Best?” to incorporate some recent research summaries and adjust interpretation of the body of research.