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Investing Research Articles

3592 Research Articles

Exploiting Stocks that Incorporate News Slowly

Can investors identify stocks that incorporate news slowly enough to allow exploitation? In their August 2019 paper entitled “Tomorrow’s Fish and Chip Paper? Slowly Incorporated News and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns”, Ran Tao, Chris Brooks and Adrian Bell classify stocks incorporating news quickly (QI) or slowly (SI) into prices and investigate implications for associated… Keep Reading

Value Investing Dead?

Why has value investing (long undervalued stocks and short overvalued stocks) performed poorly since 2007? Is it dead, or will it recover? In their August 2019 paper entitled “Explaining the Demise of Value Investing”, Baruch Lev and Anup Srivastava examine the performance of the Fama-French value (HML) factor portfolio, long stocks with high book value-to-market… Keep Reading

Weekly Summary of Research Findings: 9/16/19 – 9/20/19

Below is a weekly summary of our research findings for 9/16/19 through 9/20/19. These summaries give you a quick snapshot of our content the past week so that you can quickly decide what’s relevant to your investing needs. Subscribers: To receive these weekly digests via email, click here to sign up for our mailing list.

Overview of Low-volatility Investing

What are the essential points from the stream of research on low-volatility investing? In their August 2019 paper entitled “The Volatility Effect Revisited”, David Blitz, Pim van Vliet and Guido Baltussen provide an overview of the low-volatility (or as they prefer, low-risk) effect, the empirical finding in stock markets worldwide and within other asset classes… Keep Reading

Deeply Learned Management Sentiment as Stock Return Predictor

Can investors apply deep learning software to expose obscure but useful management sentiment in firm SEC Form 10-K filings? In their July 2019 paper entitled “Is Positive Sentiment in Corporate Annual Reports Informative? Evidence from Deep Learning”, Mehran Azimi and Anup Agrawal apply deep learning to detect positive and negative sentiments at the sentence level… Keep Reading

Timely Firms Have Higher Returns?

Do long lags between end of firm quarterly and annual financial reporting periods and issuance of SEC-required financial reports (10-Q and 10-K) indicate internal firm inefficiencies and/or reluctance to disclose adverse performance? In their August 2019 paper entitled “Filing, Fast and Slow: Reporting Lag and Stock Returns”, Karim Bannouh, Derek Geng and Bas Peeters study… Keep Reading

Stock Momentum Strategy Risk Management Horse Race

What is the best risk management approach for a conventional stock momentum strategy? In their August 2019 paper entitled “Enhanced Momentum Strategies”, Matthias Hanauer and Steffen Windmueller compare performances of several stock momentum strategy risk management approaches proposed in prior research. They use the momentum factor, returns to a monthly reformed long-short portfolio that integrates… Keep Reading

Term Premium End-of-Month Effect

Does the term premium as measured by returns to zero-coupon U.S. Treasury notes (T-notes) concentrate during some part of the monthly cycle? In their August 2019 paper entitled “Predictable End-of-Month Treasury Returns”, Jonathan Hartley and Krista Schwarz examine the monthly cycle of excess returns on 2-year, 5-year and 10-year T-notes. Specifically, they calculate average excess… Keep Reading

Weekly Summary of Research Findings: 9/9/19 – 9/13/19

Below is a weekly summary of our research findings for 9/9/19 through 9/13/19. These summaries give you a quick snapshot of our content the past week so that you can quickly decide what’s relevant to your investing needs. Subscribers: To receive these weekly digests via email, click here to sign up for our mailing list.

European Stock Return Predictors

Can investors effectively use firm characteristics to screen European stocks? In their August 2019 paper entitled “Predictability and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns: Evidence from the European Stock Market”, Wolfgang Drobetz, Rebekka Haller, Christian Jasperneite and Tizian Otto examine the power of 22 firm characteristics to predict stock returns individually and jointly. They assume market-based… Keep Reading