Stock Anomaly Momentum Strategy
January 14, 2016 - Momentum Investing
Do U.S. stock return anomalies exhibit exploitable momentum? In their December 2016 paper entitled “Scaling Up Market Anomalies”, Doron Avramov, Si Cheng, Amnon Schreiber and Koby Shemer test momentum across stock return anomalies. Their investment universe consists of the long and short sides of 15 stock portfolios, each long (short) the top (bottom) tenth of stocks based on sorting by one of the following 15 variables: failure probability, O-Score, net stock issuance, composite equity issuance, total accruals, net operating assets, momentum, gross profitability, asset growth, return on assets, abnormal capital investment, standardized unexpected earnings, analyst dispersion, idiosyncratic volatility and book-to-market ratio. They each month rank the 15 anomaly portfolios by prior-month return and test an anomaly momentum strategy that is long (short) the long (short) sides of the top five winner (bottom five loser) portfolios. They also consider top three-bottom three and top four-bottom four long-short strategies. Their benchmark is the equally weighted combination of all 15 anomaly portfolios. Using daily and monthly data for a broad sample of U.S. common stocks during 1976 through 2013, they find that: Keep Reading