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How Do You Keep Up with New Research?

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A reader asked: “How do you keep up with what research is being released? Do you have any suggestions for sifting through all the work to find things solely related to stock selection, market sentiment, etc…the things that you seem to be looking for? For me, you are a shortcut to finding what is relevant. I’m wondering if you have any ‘shortcuts’?”

As you can tell from links, the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is the principal resource for papers that feed CXOadvisory.com summaries of research done by others. Over the past few years, discoveries outside SSRN have become rarer. These “outsiders” now come mostly from reader suggestions and authors rather than brute force web searches.

SSRN is segmented, with nearly all papers of interest to investors in one category that you can bookmark. SSRN has a defect that forces some older papers to the top of the resulting chronological list, but the most recently posted start near the beginning. The next steps are to screen papers based first on title, then on abstract for interesting titles and then on the full paper for interesting abstracts. There is sometimes a download defect remedied by repeating the download request.

You can cross-check your monitoring discipline via occasional SSRN key word searches and scans of the “Top Papers” (registration required for the latter).

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