The Value of an Experienced Technician?
July 31, 2024 - Investing Expertise, Technical Trading
Does subjective technical analysis truly add value? In their June 2024 paper entitled “The Power Of Price Action Reading”, Carlo Zarattini and Marios Stamatoudis investigate the value added to simple trading rules by the discretionary judgments of an experienced technician for a sample of stocks with: (1) overnight gaps up over 6%; (2) minimum opening price $2.00; and, (3) minimum pre-market volume at least 200,000 shares. One of the paper’s authors (Marios Stamatoudis) is the expert technician. They assess his abilities both to select the best gaps to trade and to micromanage precise entry points, stop-losses and partial exits at predetermined profit points. To screen out confounding information, they remove dates, ticker symbols, sectors/industries, news, and specific prices/volumes from the his inputs, leaving only an anonymized visual 2-year daily price history for each stock. They present gaps to him randomly, not in chronological order. Using daily pre-gap prices and 1-minute post-gap prices for NYSE and NASDAQ stocks satisfying the above three criteria during January 2016 through December 2023 (9,794 events), they find that: