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Individual Investing

What does it take for an individual investor to survive and thrive while swimming with the institutional and hedge fund sharks in financial market waters? Is it better to be a slow-moving, unobtrusive bottom-feeder or a nimble remora sharing a shark’s meal? These blog entries cover success and failure factors for individual investors.

No Safe Fixed Retirement Withdrawal Rate?

Does the conventional rule (inferred from 1926-1992 U.S. stocks and bonds data) that retirees can safely withdraw an inflation-adjusted 4% from their retirement accounts annually for at least 30 years hold, after accounting for market frictions? In his February 2025 paper entitled “How the 4% Rule Would Have Failed in the 1960s: Reflections on the Folly of Fixed Rate Withdrawals”, Edward McQuarrie recasts the original study including reasonable frictions/constraints, with focus on those retiring during the 1960s. He generalizes the approach by exploring whether any fixed rate of withdrawal can be sustained across a range of aggressive and conservative asset allocations. Finally, he looks at results thus far for individuals who retired in 2000. Using newly assembled net performance data for mutual funds during 1926 through 2023 and exchange-traded alternatives to such funds during 2000 through 2024, he finds that: Keep Reading

Full-service or Discount Broker?

Why do many retail investors stick with high-cost, full-service brokers? In their January 2025 paper entitled “Fee Awareness and Brokerage Choice”, Gregory Eaton, Steven Malliaris and Miguel Puertas survey a sample of retail customers of full-service brokers to answer this question. They assemble 399 survey participants via CloudResearch, requiring that each: lives in the U.S.; is at least moderately involved in household financial decisions; owns investments; and, has a full-service brokerage account (average annual fee over 0.15%) other than an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Survey questions explore participant:

  1. Understanding of respective current broker fee structure.
  2. Familiarity with robo-advisors as a low-cost alternative.
  3. Hypothetical choice between a full-service advisor that charges 1% annual brokerage fee and a robo-advisor that charges 0.1%, when presented at either a 1-year horizon or a 20-year horizon, assuming identical gross investment returns.

Using survey responses and annual assets under care (AUC)/fee structures for retail accounts at 10 brokers (Ameriprise, Bank of America, Charles Schwab, Edward Jones, E*TRADE, LPL, Morgan Stanley, Raymond James, Stifel and TD Ameritrade) during 2009 through 2022, they find that: Keep Reading

Usefulness of AI Chatbots to Individual Investors

Can a generative artificial intelligence (AI) model, such as ChatGPT 4o, materially aid investors in understanding the implications of earnings conference call transcripts? In their December 2024 paper entitled “AI, Investment Decisions, and Inequality”, Alex Kim, David Kim, Maximilian Muhn, Valeri Nikolaev and Eric So conduct two surveys to explore how generative AI shapes investment decision-making based on anonymous earnings conference call transcripts of publicly traded firms. For the first survey, they: (1) divide participants into sophisticated and unsophisticated groups based on responses to initial questions; and, (2) ask ChatGPT 4o to generate one summary for individuals with little financial knowledge and another summary for individuals with college-level financial knowledge and stock investing experience. They then randomly assign each participant to receive raw conference call transcripts (the control), summaries for sophisticated investors or summaries for unsophisticated investors. They next present each participant with summaries for two distinct but similar firms, one at a time and ask each participant to:

  1. Rate on a scale of -5 to 5 the likelihood that firm earnings will decrease or increase next year, and confidence in the estimate on a scale from 0 to 1.
  2. Evaluate on a scale of -5 to 5 the overall sentiment as negative or positive, and confidence in the evaluation on a scale from 0 to 1.
  3. Allocate a hypothetical $1,000 to the two stocks presented or to cash for either one day or one year.
  4. Write a brief rationale for the asset allocation decision.

They record how much time each participant spends on each task.

For the second survey, they provide some participants with an AI chatbot pre-loaded with earnings call transcripts and some with only the raw transcripts (the control). They study interactions of participants with the chatbot and measure subsequent performances on investment tasks.

Their pool of end-of-fiscal-year earnings conference call transcripts spans 2010 through 2022 for 200 NYSE/NASDAQ stocks assigned to 100 economically similar pairs. Using the selected transcripts and associated 1-day and 1-year stock returns, they find that: Keep Reading

Success Factors for Day Traders?

Despite access to elaborate trading platforms and real-time data, the large majority of speculative traders incur substantial losses (see, for example the chart below). In his August 2024 paper entitled “The Myth of Profitable Day Trading: What Separates the Winners from the Losers?”, Franklin Gallegos-Erazo identifies factors that distinguish the few successful traders from the many who fail, including risk management, emotional control and strategies employed. Based on results of past studies, he concludes that: Keep Reading

Measuring Professional Investor Decision-making Skill

Is detailed decision-making prowess a better metric than past performance for comparing portfolio managers? In their October 2024 paper entitled “Actions Speak Louder Than (Past) Performance: The Relationship Between Professional Investors’ Decision-Making Skill and Portfolio Returns”, Isaac Kelleher-Unger, Clare Levy and Chris Woodcock examine the link between professional investor decision-making and overall performance for long-only stock portfolios involving at least 80 decisions per year. Specifically, they analyze daily positions for each stock to quantify seven decision outcomes: stock-picking, entry timing, scaling in, size adjusting, weighting, scaling out and exit timing. They then aggregate effects of all decisions at the portfolio level relative to prospectus benchmarks or, where none is stated, to a relevant index. They measure added values of decision types as follows (see the figure below):

  1. Stock picking – positive or negative overall return to the position while owned.
  2. Entry timing – proximity of initial entry price to its low from 21 trading days before through 21 trading days after purchase.
  3. Scaling in – comparison of return to a buy-and-hold strategy at average price of the stock from initial entry to first sell trade.
  4. Adding/trimming/no-trade – comparison of return to buy-and-hold at the median quantity from first sell trade to the first sell trade after the last add trade.
  5. Scaling out – comparison of return to a buy-and-hold strategy at average price of the stock from the first sell trade after the last add trade to the total exit.
  6. Position weighting – comparison of return to that for a hypothetical equal-weighted portfolio.
  7. Exit timing – proximity of final exit price to its high from 21 trading days before through 21 trading days after purchase.

They then combine hit rate (fraction of decisions with positive value-add) and payoff ratio (ratio of value-add to value-loss across all decisions) for each investor to compute a Behavioral Alpha (BA) Score, and relate BA Score to current and future portfolio performance. Using proprietary daily holdings of 123 long-only stock portfolios managed by professional investors during 2013 through 2023, they find that:

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Using Leverage to Fool Investors

How can schemers use statistics to fool investors? In the October 2024 revision of their paper entitled “The Art of Financial Illusion: How to Use Martingale Betting Systems to Fool People”, Carlo Zarattini and Andrew Aziz illustrate use of a Martingale betting system to shape the short-term profitability of trading strategies. This system involves increasing the bet (or trade size) after every loss to recover losses and even yield a profit. Specifically, they run 10,000 trials each for three strategies trading Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ) daily during 2022, all initially capitalized at $1,000:

  1. Base – randomly initiate a 100% long or 100% short position at a random time during regular trading hours with 1:1 leverage and a stop-gain and a stop-loss both $0.20 from the entry price. When no stop triggers, close the position at 4:00PM.
  2. Martingale – same as base, but double the leverage after each loss and restore it to 1:1 after a win.
  3. Martingale + Target Cumulative Profit – same as base but vary the leverage (in terms of number of shares traded) to target a constant cumulative profit of $0.79 per trading day. In other words, the target profit increases by $0.79 every trading day.

They assume a commission rate of $0.0005 per share. For the second and third strategies, they limit leverage to 500:1. Using intraday prices for QQQ from the end of December 2021 through the end of December 2022, they find that:

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Use More Limit Orders?

Should retail investors accept the risk of non-execution and use limit orders to get better prices? In the August 2024 version of their paper entitled “Retail Limit Orders”, Amber Anand, Mehrdad Samadi, Jonathan Sokobin and Kumar Venkataraman evaluate use of limit orders for U.S. stocks placed by retail traders. They compare limit orders to market orders by looking at implementation shortfall for the former, based on:

  1. Trade execution prices for the filled portion of the order.
  2. The opportunity cost for the unfilled portion, estimated by execution prices for a market order for this portion placed at the time of limit order cancellation, including both price drift while the limit order is in force and the bid-ask spread of the make-up market order.

Using data from the FINRA Order Audit Trail System for over 27 million market and limit orders from individual accounts at 19 retail brokers for 100 large, 100 midsize and 100 small specific common stocks during May 2020, they find that: Keep Reading

Near-term Foresight and Frequent Trading

Would someone who knows tomorrow’s financial headlines today be a good day trader? In their September 2024 paper entitled “When a Crystal Ball Isn’t Enough to Make You Rich”, Victor Haghani and James White report results of “The Crystal Ball Challenge.” They ask 118 young adults trained in finance to trade the S&P 500 Index and 30-year U.S. Treasury bonds on 15 days with an initial stake of $50 (and up to 50X leverage), based on one-day-in-advance front pages of the Wall Street Journal with price data blacked out. The days are chosen randomly from: (1) first, all days in the top half of daily market volatilities; and then, (2) one third with employment reports, one third with Federal Reserve Bank announcements and one third random. They repeat the experiment with five highly experienced macro traders (head of trading at a top U.S. bank, founder of large macro hedge fund, senior trader at large macro fund, former senior government bond trader at a large U.S. primary dealer and former senior Jane Street trader). Using roughly 2,000 trades from these November 2023 experiments, they find that:

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Whales vs. Minnows in ETH Trading

Are large and sophisticated investors (whales) better than small retail investors (minnows) at timing established crypto-asset markets? In their August 2024 paper entitled “Beneath the Crypto Currents: The Hidden Effect of Crypto ‘Whales'”, Alan Chernoff and Julapa Jagtiani compare short-term timing abilities of whales and minnows trading Ethereum (ETH). Specifically, they explore relationships between next-day ETH returns and ETH holdings in e-wallets of four size groups: (1) more than $1 million (whales); (2) $100,000 to $1 million; (3) $10,000 to $100,000; and, (4) less than $10,000 (minnows). They control for supply of ETH in circulation and major crypto-asset market events. Using daily data for ETH from Coin Metrics, including price (midnight to midnight) and holdings/value by e-wallet size group, during January 2018 through December 2023, they find that:

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Don’t Mind the Gap?

Morningstar finds in “Mind the Gap” that poor timing of trades by mutual fund investors results in 1.7% annual underperformance of buy-and-hold (6.0% versus 7.7%) during 2013 through 2022. Is this finding correct? In the July 2024 draft of their paper entitled “Bad Timing Does Not Cost Investors One Fifth of Their Funds’ Returns: An Examination of Morningstar’s ‘Mind the Gap’ Study”, Jon Fulkerson, Bradford Jordan, Timothy Riley and Qing Yan examine the methodology of the Morningstar study and repeat calculations using an amended approach. Using monthly fund returns, net flows and assets available to Morningstar clients by fund category for a broad sample of U.S. mutual funds during January 2013 through December 2022, they find that: Keep Reading

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