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How About Puru Saxena?

| | Posted in: Individual Gurus

A reader asked: “Do you have any data on Puru Saxena’s performance?”

Puru Saxena is the founder of Puru Saxena Wealth Management , which “invest[s] capital for the long-term and focus[es] on identifying those assets whose intrinsic value has not been fully recognised by the market.” He does “not believe that short-term market direction can be consistently or reliably forecasted” and “do[es] not adjust investment positions due to the short-term fluctuations in the market.”

The “Track Record” offered on his web site consists of a self-selected sample of “some of the recommendations highlighted to our clients and subscribers in the recent issues of Money Matters,” a monthly publication that “follows economic, historical and geo-political trends; exploring opportunities in unpopular, depressed and therefore attractive markets. At the same time it warns investors of widely accepted and therefore risky assets.” It is reasonable to suspect self-interest bias and confirmation bias in any sample of past advice compiled by an advisor soliciting your business. No more complete set of past recommendations is publicly available.

A search of MarketWatch for “Puru Saxena” produces no results. Nor are there any references to him within TheStreet.com.

In summary, publicly available information does not support an assessment of Puru Saxena’s investing performance.

Prospective subscribers could consider requiring that Puru Saxena provide his investing performance before subscribing to his publication or engaging him as an investment advisor.

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