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November 6, 2024 • Posted in Big Ideas, Currency Trading

The market view of Bitcoin has increasingly shifted from a potentially useful currency to an investment asset with no yield but potentially high capital gain. What are the implications of its success in the latter role? In their October 2024 paper entitled “The Distributional Consequences of Bitcoin”, Ulrich Bindseil and Jürgen Schaaf model a scenario in which the price of Bitcoin rises for the foreseeable future due to persistent collective belief that its price will continue to rise. Modeling assumptions are:

  • All Bitcoin has been mined, such that the supply is constant.
  • Bitcoin has no impact on the capacity of the economy to produce goods and services because it has no economic value.
  • Success stories of early adopters sustain a steady increase in demand from latecomers, satisfied by early adopter selling. With a fixed supply, price depends exclusively on (rising) demand.
  • Latecomers finance Bitcoin purchases by reducing consumption and liquidating real assets (which are bought by early adopters).
  • Bitcoin wealth stimulates higher consumption by holders, balanced by the lower consumption of others because Bitcoin does not increase economic activity (ignoring for simplicity the possibility of reduction in other investments). In other words, Bitcoin is a zero sum game.
  • Everyone eventually buys some Bitcoin (people never holding Bitcoin would fare worse than latecomers).

Based on market experience with Bitcoin and their model, they conclude that: (more…)

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